Transform Yourself Through Radical Acts of Love

Our planet is in a great state of transformation. In truth, it always has been, but now at an accelerated rate. This is a pivotal moment in our human history.

The biggest challenge I see for us right now is this malfunction in our human thinking that hits “survival mode” when presented with the chaos in change.

Change, especially when out of our control, sends many into autopilot. We give up our power to create the life we want by handing over our worries to mass hysteria - “breaking news”, Facebook rants, debates with family...

Instead of birthing the love and freedom we crave, we build on the foundation for our life with fear and despair... why do we do this? How do we redirect this? I have some thoughts.

I think “chaos” is a misunderstood concept, and the core of our conflicts could be resolved if we learned how to work with it.

In its pure essence, chaos is simply the unordered building blocks of creation. The blocks feel confusing (because they are!) but they aren’t “bad” as we label them, we just need to arrange the blocks in order.

There are two forces we can use to establish order - Fear or Love. It really is that simple, but the challenge lies with this thing we have called free will, which gives us the power of choice. We can choose to stay enslaved to our human survival response to chaos (fear), or we can do the radical thing to gain our freedom by choosing love.


The origins of “freedom” are beyond our human understanding; it’s a state unbound from time, place or circumstance. Yet it is possible through focused intent that we can access its fruits despite our suffering. Just because fear arises within us, or around us, does not mean that we have to accept it.

Profound creativity can change all that the mind perceives, including the darkest and most difficult of human emotions, despair. Our freedom is so worth fighting for, because the path is clear - we will either heal our collective shadows or they will destroy us.

It starts with you. It starts with me.

Choose to act in ways radically different from what you are used to. Choose Love. ❤️


Finding Harmony in Life: Embracing Hermetic Wisdom and the Law of Rhythm


Hold Up… Are We Creating Our Own Problems?!